0 Stream简介
- 家庭住址 :
- 出生年月:Java8问世的时候他就来到了世上
- 主要技能:那可以吹上三天三夜了……
- 主要特征
- 不改变输入源
- 中间的各种操作是
- 只有当开始消费流的时候,流才有意义
- 隐式迭代
- ……
A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate operations
| List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, null, 3, 1, null, 4, 5, null, 2, 0);
- 在lambda还在娘胎里的时候,为了实现这个功能,可能会这么做
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| int s = 0; Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<>(list); for (Integer i : set) { if (i != null && (i & 1) == 0) { s += i; } } System.out.println(s);
| int sum = list.stream().filter(e -> e != null && (e & 1) == 1).distinct().mapToInt(i -> i).sum();
1 获取Stream
从1.8开始,接口中也可以存在 default
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| public interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> { default Stream<E> stream() { return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false); } default Stream<E> parallelStream() { return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), true); } }
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| public static <T> Stream<T> stream(T[] array) { return stream(array, 0, array.length); } public static IntStream stream(int[] array) { return stream(array, 0, array.length); }
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| List<String> strs = Arrays.asList("apache", "spark"); Stream<String> stringStream = strs.stream(); IntStream intStream = Arrays.stream(new int[] { 1, 25, 4, 2 });
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| Stream<String> stream = Stream.of("hello", "world"); Stream<String> stream2 = Stream.of("haha"); Stream<HouseInfo> stream3 = Stream.of(new HouseInfo[] { new HouseInfo(), new HouseInfo() }); Stream<Integer> stream4 = Stream.iterate(1, i -> 2 * i + 1); Stream<Double> stream5 = Stream.generate(() -> Math.random());
和 Stream.generate()
2 转换Stream
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| Stream<String> stream = Stream.of( null, "apache", null, "apache", "apache", "github", "docker", "java", "hadoop", "linux", "spark", "alifafa"); stream .filter(e -> e != null && e.contains("a")) .distinct() .limit(3) .forEach(System.out::println);
| <R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper);
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| Stream.of(null, "apache", null, "apache", "apache", "hadoop", "linux", "spark", "alifafa") .filter(e -> e != null && e.length() > 0) .map(str -> str.charAt(0)) .forEach(System.out::println);
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| Stream<T> sorted(); Stream<T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator);
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| List<HouseInfo> houseInfos = Lists.newArrayList( new HouseInfo(1, "恒大星级公寓", 100, 1), new HouseInfo(2, "汇智湖畔", 999, 2), new HouseInfo(3, "张江汤臣豪园", 100, 1), new HouseInfo(4, "保利星苑", 23, 10), new HouseInfo(5, "北顾小区", 66, 23), new HouseInfo(6, "北杰公寓", null, 55), new HouseInfo(7, "保利星苑", 77, 66), new HouseInfo(8, "保利星苑", 111, 12) ); houseInfos.stream().sorted((h1, h2) -> { if (h1 == null || h2 == null) return 0; if (h1.getDistance() == null || h2.getDistance() == null) return 0; int ret = h1.getDistance().compareTo(h2.getDistance()); if (ret == 0) { if (h1.getBrowseCount() == null || h2.getBrowseCount() == null) return 0; return h1.getBrowseCount().compareTo(h2.getBrowseCount()); } return ret; });
3 终止/消费Stream
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| List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); System.out.println(list.stream().allMatch(e -> e > 0)); System.out.println(list.stream().anyMatch(e -> (e & 1) == 0)); System.out.println(list.stream().noneMatch(e -> e < 0)); Optional<Integer> optional = list.stream().filter(e -> e >= 4).findFirst(); optional.ifPresent(System.out::println); System.out.println(list.stream().filter(e -> e >= 4).count()); System.out.println(list.stream().min(Integer::compareTo)); System.out.println(list.stream().max(Integer::compareTo)); System.out.println(list.stream().mapToInt(i -> i).max());
这个词不知道怎么翻译,有人翻译为 规约
或 汇聚
反正就是将经过一系列转换后的流中的数据最终收集起来,收集的同时可能会反复 apply
某个 reduce函数
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| T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator); <U> U reduce(U identity, BiFunction<U, ? super T, U> accumulator, BinaryOperator<U> combiner);
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| Integer reduce = Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1) .limit(10) .reduce(0, (i, j) -> i + j); Optional<Integer> reduce2 = Stream.iterate(1, i -> i + 1) .limit(10) .reduce((i, j) -> i + j);
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| <R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier, BiConsumer<R, ? super T> accumulator, BiConsumer<R, R> combiner);
| <R, A> R collect(Collector<? super T, A, R> collector);
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| public interface Collector<T, A, R> { Supplier<A> supplier(); BiConsumer<A, T> accumulator(); BinaryOperator<A> combiner(); Function<A, R> finisher(); Set<Characteristics> characteristics(); }
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| List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ArrayList<Integer> ret1 = numbers.stream() .map(i -> i * 2) .collect( () -> new ArrayList<Integer>(), (list, e) -> list.add(e), (list1, list2) -> list1.addAll(list2) ); ret1.forEach(System.out::println);
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| List<Integer> ret3 = numbers.stream() .map(i -> i * 2) .collect(new Supplier<List<Integer>>() { @Override public List<Integer> get() { return new ArrayList<>(); } }, new BiConsumer<List<Integer>, Integer>() { @Override public void accept(List<Integer> list, Integer e) { list.add(e); } }, new BiConsumer<List<Integer>, List<Integer>>() { @Override public void accept(List<Integer> list1, List<Integer> list2) { list1.addAll(list2); } }); ret3.forEach(System.out::println);
顺便打个免费的广告,可以看看本大侠这篇使用各种版本实现的Spark的HelloWorld: http://blog.csdn.net/hylexus/article/details/52606540,来证明一下有lambda的世界是有多么幸福……
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| ArrayList<Integer> ret2 = numbers.stream() .map(i -> i * 2) .collect( ArrayList::new, List::add, List::addAll ); ret2.forEach(System.out::println);
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| List<HouseInfo> houseInfos = Lists.newArrayList( new HouseInfo(1, "恒大星级公寓", 100, 1), new HouseInfo(2, "汇智湖畔", 999, 2), new HouseInfo(3, "张江汤臣豪园", 100, 1), new HouseInfo(4, "保利星苑", 111, 10), new HouseInfo(5, "北顾小区", 66, 23), new HouseInfo(6, "北杰公寓", 77, 55), new HouseInfo(7, "保利星苑", 77, 66), new HouseInfo(8, "保利星苑", 111, 12) );
好了,开始装逼之旅 ^_^ ……
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| List<String> ret1 = houseInfos.stream() .map(HouseInfo::getHouseName).collect(Collectors.toList()); ret1.forEach(System.out::println); Set<String> ret2 = houseInfos.stream() .map(HouseInfo::getHouseName).collect(Collectors.toSet()); ret2.forEach(System.out::println); String names = houseInfos.stream() .map(HouseInfo::getHouseName).collect(Collectors.joining("_^_")); System.out.println(names); ArrayList<String> collect = houseInfos.stream() .map(HouseInfo::getHouseName) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
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| Optional<HouseInfo> ret3 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .collect(Collectors.maxBy((h1, h2) -> Integer.compare(h1.getBrowseCount(), h2.getBrowseCount()))); System.out.println(ret3.get()); Optional<Integer> ret4 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .map(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount) .collect(Collectors.maxBy(Integer::compare)); System.out.println(ret4.get());
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| Long total = houseInfos.stream().collect(Collectors.counting()); System.out.println(total); Integer ret5 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .collect(Collectors.summingInt(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount)); System.out.println(ret5); Integer ret6 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .map(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount).collect(Collectors.summingInt(i -> i)); System.out.println(ret6); int ret7 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .mapToInt(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount) .sum(); System.out.println(ret7);
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| Double ret8 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .collect(Collectors.averagingDouble(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount)); System.out.println(ret8); OptionalDouble ret9 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .mapToDouble(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount) .average(); System.out.println(ret9.getAsDouble());
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| DoubleSummaryStatistics statistics = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .collect(Collectors.summarizingDouble(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount)); System.out.println("avg:" + statistics.getAverage()); System.out.println("max:" + statistics.getMax()); System.out.println("sum:" + statistics.getSum());
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| Map<Integer, List<HouseInfo>> ret10 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(HouseInfo::getBrowseCount)); ret10.forEach((count, house) -> { System.out.println("BrowseCount:" + count + " " + house); }); Map<Integer, Map<String, List<HouseInfo>>> ret11 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getBrowseCount() != null && h.getDistance() != null) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( HouseInfo::getBrowseCount, Collectors.groupingBy((HouseInfo h) -> { if (h.getDistance() <= 10) return "较近"; else if (h.getDistance() <= 20) return "近"; return "较远"; }))); ret11.forEach((count, v) -> { System.out.println("浏览数:" + count); v.forEach((desc, houses) -> { System.out.println("\t" + desc); houses.forEach(h -> System.out.println("\t\t" + h)); }); });
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| Map<Boolean, List<HouseInfo>> ret12 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getDistance() != null) .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(h -> h.getDistance() <= 20)); ret12.forEach((t, houses) -> { System.out.println(t ? "较近" : "较远"); houses.forEach(h -> System.out.println("\t\t" + h)); }); Map<Boolean, Map<Boolean, List<HouseInfo>>> ret13 = houseInfos.stream() .filter(h -> h.getDistance() != null) .collect( Collectors.partitioningBy(h -> h.getDistance() <= 20, Collectors.partitioningBy(h -> h.getBrowseCount() >= 70)) ); ret13.forEach((less, value) -> { System.out.println(less ? "较近" : "较远"); value.forEach((moreCount, houses) -> { System.out.println(moreCount ? "\t浏览较多" : "\t浏览较少"); houses.forEach(h -> System.out.println("\t\t" + h)); }); });